In conjunction with the Traffic Engineering & Safety Conference held in Champaign, Illinois in October, the ITE Student Affairs Group and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign ITE Student Chapter teamed up once again to host the annual Student-Practitioner Forum. The event allowed student attendees to ask a diverse panel of 7 engineering professionals career-related questions in a casual, friendly environment while the group shared a pizza dinner. Topics discussed during the forum included interview and career path advice, how to successfully manage a work-life balance, and aspects of careers that the professionals found the most rewarding.
Traffic Signal Operations Workshop
The Illinois Section of ITE, in conjunction with the Northwestern Center for Public Safety, hosted a two-day technical workshop titled Traffic Signal Operations on August 28th and 29th. Over the course of the two days, Robert Seyfried, P.E., PTOE led the discussion regarding all things signals, including:
- Traffic Signal Phasing
- Phasing of Non-traditional Intersections/Interchanges
- Traffic Signal Timing Principals
- Actuated Control - Detector Placement, Timing Criteria and Large Area Presence Detection
- Principles of Signal System Operation and Timing
- HCM Applications in Signal Phasing and Timing
- Signal Preemption at Intersections Near Railroad Grade Crossings
- Countermeasures for Red-Light Running
The course was a rousing success and all attendees were granted 15 PDHs. A special thanks to Robert Seyfried and NUCPS for providing this valuable resource to the members of the Illinois Section of ITE and to Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways for providing a venue to host the event.