17th Annual ITE Student Day

Thank you to everyone who attended the 17th Annual ITE Student Day! The event was held at UIC on Wednesday, November 13th and consisted of a packed day starting with a career fair and networking luncheons where students could have some much needed interaction with professionals.  Student Day provides an excellent opportunity to connect companies, professionals, and students within the field of transportation engineering and planning. The event also had a resume review, where students could fine tune their resumes from a professional’s standpoint. Best of all, the event was FREE to students.

Big thanks to our sponsors that helped out with the event and who made the whole thing possible! Additional thanks to Civiltech for sponsoring the Luncheon. We look forward to continuing to create value back to our student members, and to strengthen the future of the transportation industry with events like this. Hope to see everyone next year!

November 2024 Luncheon

Thank you to everyone who attended our November Luncheon at the Kama Bistro on November 7th! We had so much fun, great conversation and we learned a lot from our incredible guest speakers. Lindsay Bayley and Vickie Barrett from the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) gave a great presentation titled Speed Management Report and Traffic Safety. Lindsay and Vickie both have a vast knowledge of transportation engineering, and their work at CMAP really led to amazing insight into the Chicago Metropolitan area’s traffic safety and transportation engineering as a whole.

Thank you Lindsay Bayley and Vickie Barrett, and thank you to all who came out to the luncheon, check out some pictures below. Can’t wait to see everyone at the next event!

If you missed the luncheon, don’t worry, we have a lot more great events planned for the near future. Keep your eyes peeled for more event notices and come out and see us!