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What Can Computer Games Teach us About Modeling?

The Illinois Section of ITE is hosting a webinar for transportation professionals. This event will be hosted online using Zoom Webinar and is free for all attendees. This is the final reminder for the event so make sure to sign up and join us on Wednesday!

This event is free and will take place online (Zoom Webinar)

Register and reserve your seat now!


Over the past two decades, computer games have incorporated increasingly sophisticated traffic modeling algorithms. The growth of enthusiast communities and the nigh-unlimited dedication of amateur traffic engineers have produced simulations that rival the capabilities of professional software and do so in a way that is far friendlier to users and the public. This presentation explores the abilities of traffic-oriented computer games and the lessons that developers of professional software can use to improve usability and appeal.

Nicholas Mandler is an Assistant Vice President at TranSystems Corporation. Nick studied engineering at the University of Rhode Island and urban design abroad, graduating with degrees in civil engineering, French, and German. After five years in the Division of Traffic Engineering at the Connecticut Department of Transportation, he moved to TranSystems in 2013 and has worked there ever since. Nick has a strong background in transportation modeling software and teaches a graduate course on traffic simulation modeling at the University of Hartford. Outside of work, Nick likes to hike, arrange fish tanks, and weave chainmail.