Institute of Transportation Engineers - Illinois Section

The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) is an international professional society of engineers, planners, and others responsible for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods on our streets, highways, and transit systems. The Illinois Section is part of the Midwestern District. We aim to provide networking opportunities through monthly luncheons, technical webinars, happy hours, and other technical and social events. 

If you are a transportation professional in Illinois and would like to know more about our organization, please join us at our next event

2018 ITE Illinois Survey

The Illinois Section wants to hear from you! Please complete the quick survey below and enter for a chance to win one of three $20 Starbucks gift cards just for participating. The survey will remain open through Friday, March 2nd. 

Read up on our latest news:

The Institute of Transportation Engineers is an international educational and scientific association of transportation professionals who are responsible for meeting mobility and safety needs. ITE facilitates the application of technology and scientific principles to research, planning, functional design, implementation, operation, policy development and management for any mode of ground transportation.

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