The Illinois Section of ITE (ILITE) held the annual Student Day Career Fair + Luncheon on Friday, March 11, 2016 at the Illinois Institute of Technology campus in Chicago. Student Day is a career fair and networking event targeted at Illinois transportation students and companies.
This year, the morning career fair session was attended by students from several Illinois universities as well as representatives from eleven companies. Students and employers were encouraged to discuss opportunities from fulltime, parttime, and even internships during the event. Thanks goes out to all of the companies who attended this year:
- Civiltech Engineering, Inc.
- DAMA Consultants
- ESI Consultants EJM Engineering, Inc.
- Hanson Professional Services, Inc.
- HR Green Parsons STV, Inc.
- Thomas Engineering
- TranSystems
We were even visited by Cal Bear and MWITE Student Affairs Director John Davis this year to provide more information on the upcoming MWGLITE conference in Chicago.
As part of the preregi stration for the ILITE Student Day Career Fair, students were provided the opportunity for a free résumé review by Rachel Cantor Fogarty of RC Associates, LLC. Students electronically submitted résumés and received comments back from Rachel the week before the ILITE Student Day Career Fair, giving them plenty of time to make updates before meeting with potential employers. Many thanks to Rachel for another year of this free service!
After the career fair portion of students and professionals sat down for lunch where they could talk more informally. Students and professionals were encouraged to sit with each other so that each of the two sides could have representation in the discussions at each table.
The Illinois Section of ITE would like to sincerely thank all of the students and professionals that joined us for this year's Student Day event! We would also like to thank Rachel Cantor Fogarty of RC Associates for providing complimentary résumé reviews for the students. The Section always welcomes any comments and suggestions about the Student Day event that may help us improve the event next year and beyond. See you next year!