Illinois ITE Section 2019 Sponsorship Program

The Illinois Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ILITE) is excited to once again offer an opportunity to sponsor the section for 2019. Through our sponsorship program we offer unique opportunities which will benefit your organization and help further ITE's goals for 2019. We're reaching out to you to ask that your organization partner with Illinois ITE in advancing these goals.

 In 2018, ILITE completed another successful year with the section sponsorship program, and expanded to many new corporate partners! Corporate sponsorship continues to be paramount in ensuring that meaningful programs and the scholarship program can continue. ILITE prides itself on its ability to provide scholarships to students pursuing studies in the transportation field, and with the help of our corporate sponsors, our student scholarships continue to thrive.

ITE has long striven to be an organization which promotes leadership, networking, and education.  Each year, our officers and committee volunteers spend countless hours to unite members of your organization with engineers and other transportation professionals in the spirit of these objectives.

Furthermore, by the end of this year, ILITE will have provided for its network of transportation professionals:

  • 4 technical luncheons

  • 4 discussion-based webinars

  • 3 social events

  • Annual golf outing (joint event with WTS

  • Annual banquet

  • Student Day career fair and networking event

The sponsorship summary and form detailing benefits associated with the different levels of financial support can be found in the link above.  To ensure you receive all listed benefits for 2019, we request that you send in your completed form by Friday, December 28, 2018. Additionally, in the event that levels of sponsorship fill up, we will determine order by date of response with completed form.

We hope that you will consider joining the ILITE team in 2019.  If you have any questions, please contact the ILITE Sponsorship Chair, Katelyn Bleach, at 312-612-7287 or